Friday, June 15, 2007

6 pounds 1 ounce

Gus is officially over six pounds. That's certainly good news. Even better is that he hasn't been having as many spells, since they stopped giving him bulking powder in his milk. The idea was to boost his caloric intake, starting basically when he started getting milk in the first place. But apparently some babies tolerate it better than others. And his "reflux" may have simply been a response to that.

So he's able to nurse for longer stretches and take more bottles a day as well. He only gets milk through his feeding tube when he's absolutely bushed.

Also, he's just more awake. When I went to see him yesterday, he was up the entire time, and we just gazed at each other. That was nice, because I actually haven't seen him much at all this week. Without regular daytime Wyatt sitters (my parents are back in Jersey) and Jamie trying to be at the hospital for two feedings a day (6 pm and 9 pm), I've needed to come straight home from work. But it's an important time for Gus, just in terms of breastfeeding.

One of the nurses told me that he might be able to come home next week. But we're choosing not to believe that. Honestly, it's just unfathomable. It would be wonderful, but I think we probably need another couple weeks of him being this stable before we'll be able to treat him like a real boy.

1 comment:

Elisabeth said...

man, I wish *I* got milk through a feeding tube when I was absolutely bushed! I won't believe it, either, but I am super secretly excited that the Shapdrews family members are all steadily moving towards a nice, normal, boring existence. Much love, Lilu.